Bering Sea Beast (2013 TV Movie)
6 December 2014
This is one of the worst, made for TV movies ever. It has a truly terrible plot, acting, effects, logic, the lot. But they do kill the Bad guys with Grow Lights and so for that reason alone its worth a giggle. Go to the final 3rd of the film to save wasting your life. But only if you are a pot head. Astonishingly bored. Have lost the will to live. Have no life. Have no friends. And have nothing else in your life other than breath and eyes. Which you may well want to pluck out using rusty vinegar dipped spoons after watching this. You have been warned. so if you do watch this think very very carefully, can I really afford to throw away precious hours that I will truly regret losing immediately I start watching this drivel? Because the only way this could even become a cult film is for its terribleness, if people watch it out of sheer bloody mindedness to want to watch their own lives sap away before their own desperate eyes. Do yourself a favour and pick another film even that film you really can't stand it would be better than a moment wasted watching this dire pile of dung. Just don't do it.
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