Going from anime to live action is ... a little awkward
13 December 2014
It is interesting that westerners (of which this reviewer is one) have no trouble reviewing Asian anime but (being truthful here) get a little lost when reviewing a live action film adapted from anime.

I am not sure why this is, but perhaps a PhD candidate might investigate if he or she has the time? In the west, there is no problem going from animation to live action; indeed, in most cases the live action precedes the animation.

In Japan however the transition is often awkward. Keeping in mind that the Japanese ALREADY have a very stylized and unique POV in their live action films (especially the older ones) then forcing the director to start with anime material only makes the end result more ... bizarre.

The point is that, even if you are FANBOY for Kenshin Himura and his many adventures (yes, I confess I am) the film still feels slightly awkward by western standards.

It is way overlong, and, as in the anime, it combines elements of extreme violence and extreme silliness which mix like oil and water. (Consider the performance of the actor playing Sonoske, who, in the anime, actually has some dignity. Here he is a buffoon.) Did I mention it is overlong? Kenshin does not actually touch a sword until 45:00 in to this 2:15 spectacular, To the western moviegoer, that is a long time. (I suspect it is to Asian moviegoers as well).

That said, it is an improvement over the first feature-length live action Kenshin movie in the trilogy, the pace feels less forced, and every effort is made to make the baddie seem like he escaped from a Bond film. Which helps maintain interest.

I realize the above is hardly a sterling endorsement. If you are fan of the character, it is worth the watch, regardless of the above comments.

However, don't expect closure. There is a third instalment to the series aptly named "The Legend Ends" and no doubt a proper review will require including that as well...
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