Holliston (2012–2013)
Wanted to like it but it's just not a good show.
13 December 2014
I love heavy metal and a lot of horror. I've met Dee Snider. He seemed like a cool guy. I've seen GWAR and have been into them for the last 20 years or so. I've been to numerous horror conventions and seen Kane Hodder and many of the others who made cameos in Holliston. In other words, I'm a fan off most of this stuff.

I still just can't get into this show because frankly, it's just not very good.

If you're a fan of drek like "Friends", "Everybody Loves Raymond", "Big Bang Theory" etc. you'll probably love it though. You'll see Oderus and Dee and feel that their minor presence somehow makes this a great show. I'm sorry but even they couldn't save this trainwreck.

Dave Brockie's minute or two per episode was about the only decent part in the whole series (Yes, he bumped my rating from 1/10 to 2/10). I'm sure he must have written his own material because unlike anything else in the show; it was actually funny and had some sort of wit attached to it.

Dee Snider's "Lance Rocket" character was a trickless pony that just got recycled every episode. Laughing at glam rockers from the '80s got old by about 1994.

I still can't remember the two main characters names. If I did, I wouldn't be able to tell them apart because they're both totally interchangeable. Your typical one-dimensional, cardboard sitcom roomies fishing for laughs and every "funny" gets followed by a canned laugh clip -- provided to let viewers know they need to laugh because they were just told a joke. Without the canned laughs, people wouldn't know the difference between the jokes and brain dead sit-com filler and may become confused or worse... discover that the show isn't the slightest bit funny.

I'm not making this up.

The last episode I forced myself to sit through was called "Rock the Cradle". It was about an 11 year old girl that one of the cardboard roomies began dating.

I'm not making that up either.

Yes, one of the two main characters was dating an 11 year old girl. Naturally, all of the characters (except for the guy's ex) loved her and nobody noticed that she was an eleven year old child. They were going to "take their relationship to the next level" (have sex) when the guys ex became jealous and the good quality sitcom wackiness ensued.

When it was discovered that she was only eleven, none of the characters thought about the whole "our roommate is a pedophile" part and apparently neither did any of the brain dead viewers. "Pedophile? What pedophile? LOL!"

It's was all just good, wacky sitcom fun for the whole family.

I truly feel that Dave Brockie was a great talent, a great showman and a hilarious guy in general. There's no doubt in my mind that being attached to trash like this is one of the reasons he killed himself with drugs. Having to live with the guilt of taking a job dumbing down an already dumbed down populace and "soften" pedophilia to a group of people who are too dumb to have the slightest clue about what they're watching.

There was actually a fairly well known metal band who came from Holliston, MA. They wrote a song in the '90s called "Everyone in Holliston Should be Killed". Apparently, there's is a huge group of yuppie "metal heads" who live there and he was constantly criticizing their extreme level of phoniness, cluelessness and uselessness. The band's name was "An*l C*nt" (or AxCx). The lead singer killed himself a few years ago with drugs just like Dave did.

It seems that anything related to metal that comes out of Hollenthon, MA is so rotten and fake that it's enough to drive anyone with a personality or a sense of humor to a drug induced suicide.

Everyone else loves it though... actually not really, since nobody really watches this show. Even most people who are fans of metal and horror don't watch this because it's too hard to sit through.
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