Exactly what it says on the tin
30 December 2014
Athos (Keifer Sutherland), Porthos (Oliver Platt), Aramis (Charlie Sheen) and D'Artagnan (Chris O'Donnel) team up to battle the nefarious schemes of Cardinal Richelieu (Tim Curry) to usurp power in 17th century France. Now told under the name of Walt Disney Productions, and from the director of Bill & Ted and The Mighty Ducks, Stephen Herek.

Although it may not the most accurate or layered adaptation of Dumas' tale, Disney's 90s version still offers a decent swashbuckler. This is down to a charismatic cast, special points towards the great Michael Wincott and his icy voice as the deadly Rochefort, alongside a wonderfully charming Platt as the bon-vivant Porthos, who provides the brunt of the comedy in the film with his hands-off lifestyle. Throw in some nifty and uncluttered sword fights shot with patience and grace instead of clumsy shaky cam, and even a playful yet also thrilling score by the late Michael Kamen, and these go a way to help out.

However, don't expect a lot of the intricacies, extensive development and politics of the original story, or the self awareness of the more renowned Richard Lester films of the 70s. This as basic and lean a 'Musketeers' telling as you'll find anywhere. Plus, being a 90s Disney live-action film, it's super safe and predictable, even for a story as often told as this one. You can tell who's good, who's bad and what happens next right from the word go, thanks to often hammy performances from the support cast, as well as rather basic, rote dialogue.

Regardless, as far as its brethren of that era go, this is one of the company's better live-action efforts amidst a slew of lame remakes and comedian star vehicles. If you may not be in the mood of the wilder hijinks of 'Pirates' or 'National Treasure', this should fit the bill just fine.
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