Absolutely breathtaking
30 December 2014
And by breathtaking I mean literally breathtaking - while watching this movie, from time to time, especially during the last 30 or so minutes, you will realize that you are not breathing. I don't know what else to say, everything has already been said in other reviews.

Naturally, I've heard about this movie before, I knew that it was the only Slovak movie to ever win an Oscar, I've read the reviews, but I was a bit hesitant to watch it because I know how badly many of the great old movies age and I didn't want to be disappointed.

Well, I wasn't. This movie didn't age well, this movie simply doesn't age at all. The reason for this is that it deals with an eternal internal conflict in all humans - a conflict between what is good for me and what is moral. And what is "good" anyway? What is "moral"? What is the right thing to do? Is it always right to do the right thing? Is it always wrong to do the wrong thing? Where is the balance? Is there a balance? The main protagonist keeps asking these questions until it is too late. And most of all, he forces you to keep asking these questions yourself. You will keep asking yourself these questions long after watching this movie. And the only answer you will be able to come up with is "I don't know! I don't want to answer!" Just like Tono Brtko didn't want to answer them.

It is a story of an ordinary man in extraordinary circumstances. A story of an ordinary man being forced to make a decision that no one wants to make. A decision that makes you choose between two wrong outcomes.

The acting is simply perfect, there is no other word to describe it. Kaminska is perfect, Kroner is perfect and they are both perfect together. If there was an Oscar awarded for the best chemistry between two main protagonists, these two would definitely win it (and to this day I haven't seen any duo perform better).

The final dream sequence is the best dream sequence I have ever seen in a movie, especially if you notice all the symbolism. It shows the contrast between what is and what could be. Between what podiums and uniforms are used for and what they could be used for. And ultimately, a contrast between the good in each and every one of us and the evil in each and every one of us.

Watch this movie and you will never forget it. Trust me.
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