Those Affairs of Susan - A Neat Little Film for Joan Fontaine
9 January 2015
Walter Abel is getting married to Joan Fontaine, so he wants to learn more about her from her exes, in "The Affairs of Susan." She was married to George Brent and Don Defore, and engaged to Dennis O'Keefe. They all tell their story of meeting her and the personality of Susan they knew and loved. When I started the film, it felt a little forced. But the film's entertainment really starts with George Brent's flashback, as he was her first husband. Their chemistry is great and they make for a sweet couple, but of course their relationship sours and Susan loses her unpretentiousness, resulting in their divorce, thus leading to the others' tales. All the actors are well cast and their stories are so engrossing, but it's all about Susan, and Joan Fontaine gives a great and relatively restrained performance as Susan, who goes from guy to guy, learning who she is and what she wants out of life. I know this sounds serious, when in fact it was a delightful comedy-drama. In fact, Walter Abel was quite disturbed when he saw all of the gentlemen's pictures in her apartment. She had not told him, in the brief time they knew each other, before his proposal, about any of her past. But what happens when he learns more about his fiancée? When you add up all "The Affairs of Susan," what has any of them learned? It seems that Susan....
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