The Assets (2014)
Two Great things about this series
13 January 2015
There were many things I liked about this series..but two of the most notable are..

1. the female leads are near appropriate age for the characters..I am SO TIRED of female characters in movies who are hot, great bods, have PHD's in whatever and at the age of 25 save the world! Every TV show - every movie seems to do this and i am so tired of it.

2. The motivation for the antagonist was realistic and I enjoyed knowing who it was from the first few minutes of the series with the suspense being how long it would be before he would get caught. o many series and movies these days after 20 car chases and 10 explosions catch the bad guy and their motivation was typical or didn't really logically make sense

Good series - glad to have watched - hope there are more
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