A fine film - you might need to pay attention
20 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
A thoughtful, beautiful film - fine acting, an excellent script, beautiful camera-work. Interesting to see naysayers complaining "nothing happens" - a great deal happens - but no gratuitous beatdowns, no jazzy editing, no hammy scene stealing - and no 'nostalgia' or playing for camp associations II loved American Hustle, but did notice how I had some difficulty seeing the characters behind the costumes and wigs). Oscar Isaac is on screen virtually the entire film, and you can't take your eyes off him - but he is quiet, watchful, smart. Jessica Chastain's role is less visible, but her character hovers over the film - her enmeshment with her husband. Chastain's standout line (from memory): "You don't want to see what happens if I have to get involved." Interestingly, the conclusion at first felt like a letdown. But with a few minutes reflection, an unspoken element, based on clear signals earlier in the film, makes for a spectacular denouement: SPOILER: Where did the money Chastain 'skimmed' really come from? What was her background? What does that mean for Isaac's attempts to stay out of the mud? The signals click into place. Also: The title refers to the reallife events occurring in the city that years, quietly simmering away onradio (remember radio?) and TV broadcasts. The violence in the film was occasional, unexpected - and inevitable.

The etire film had a stately feeling. We saw an entire distany panorama unfold that had unexpected resonance with events today. Theentire film is about oil and power.
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