Brushing aside the monsters that beset him
24 January 2015
Here is a story which will please the boys and others who firmly believe that nothing is impossible for those who are determined to succeed. A boy starts out to obtain a treasure which has defied the efforts of many who have attempted a similar thing. But nothing daunted he keeps on, slaying some of the monsters in his path and frightening others away, until he succeeds in securing the treasure and returns home with sufficient gold to make his people wealthy all their lives. While this may be more or less of a story, unquestionably it is in a degree a true transcript of the life of the average man. He who goes forward regardless of the dangers that lurk in his path, and brushing aside the monsters that beset him is certain to win. In the long run his success is assured. And while this film may have been intended to be entertaining only unquestionably it teaches this important lesson. - The Moving Picture World, December 11, 1909
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