A scientific masterpiece presented with passion by Prof Brian Cox. Amazing.
8 February 2015
Warning: Spoilers
A must watch. The very truth of our existence. It answers questions man has asked since our intellectual fruition from the animals. So have other documentaries/books but it is presented so elegantly and concise and truthfully. At a good level for the majority.

Now a word to the majority. Yes the people on the planet who believe in the grown up santa's of whatever creed/colour - however generally the same colour as them. To not watch and understand this is a crime to your intellect and your obligation to cherish your once in a lifetime opportunity to basque in the sun of consciousness and self awareness fully aware of the where, how and what we are. To not wonder why's stars twinkle. Not thinking in a possibly infinite Universe some illiterate iron age prophet 2000 years ago was spoken to by god in a cave in a universe 13.7 billion years old. Doesn't really compute. There were no good old days. Stop wasting your life.

Don't live your life in ignorance denying science - to deny facts but not even have the decency to attempt prove/justify what you profess to know and how facts you are unable to grasp or are too lazy to even attempt to grasp are false. Let's move from the dark ages to a bright future free of religious hatred, superstition and down right stupidity and ignorance by the vast majority of the earth's worshippers.

Long live science, reason, logic, compassion, intelligence, and human understanding. This documentary is a testament to science and of human achievement.

Well done to Brian - I'm sure this series will free large numbers of blinkered worshippers. They are not the ones we have to worry about though because they must ultimately be reasonable.

What could be better than being the only known intelligent life with a mission to explore this universe which you should be in awe of. Not worrying about some fables in a book, praying for heaven and virgins. Jesus!Denying moon landings and other such nonsense.

Anyway whatever your fancy. Watch this amazing documentary. Saint, sinner or prophet. This documentary delivers.

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