Obnoxious and shallow
20 February 2015
I really liked Jeremy Jordan in Smash, so I was looking forward to this. Until the opening credits ended with Anna Kendrick singing in her screechy, ultra-high pitched voice. I had to stop, though I gave it another try a week later. Beyond her horrible voice, I found many of the songs to be cliché, obnoxious and not the least bit modern. Honestly, that stupid song at the beginning where Jamie is singing about how his grandmother will hate her because she isn't Jewish, and doing it while they have sex...who the f' cares what your mother and grandmother think? If they are so intrusive to believe that it is any of their business who you're seeing then you need to set boundaries. Or was this written in the 1950's? It's all so archaic and ridiculous, especially given the way the publishing industry works today. Jamie's constant jubilation regardless of what he's singing is just as annoying as Cathy's screechily whining her way through the film. Spending five years with these two is just too much to ask.
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