One Big Happy (2015)
Are Words Permanent?
18 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Spoiler Alert? - No specifics, just generalization's.

'Shock Humor" seems to be a recent tool writers use to draw an audience. Absolutely! TV needs to be entertaining while transforming your mind to a fresh new and engaging place; for many of us to take our minds off the reality of our lives :)

This tool that the writers often overuse, as they understand it allows them to open the door to our minds as it puts us in a place of mental reception and touch to forbidden fruit mentally and often import a portion of what they write into the makeup of our own lives. This is where content becomes critical as this type of program will change your outlook on life without you even realizing you've been morally changed; it's because you were manipulated to open your mind and allow liberties to be taken that are out of place.

Although the content of this show will draw most people in; the question is, how will the message of the show change you while in the subliminally open state of mind? This show crosses pretty much all the sexually moral boundaries it can; for the sake of humor and draw.

I believe the spoken word, projected or received, is permanently laid within us at some level and the plot of this show will ultimately change your moral boundaries in some way. One should ask, if moral boundaries are meant to be crossed, what power do they really have?

This show goes to far in it's attempt to redefine what the family should be and why. With the family being the core root of society; crossing these moral lines we all know and live by to differing degrees is one area that has produced many. many undesirable results. The world has enough problems, why encourage more with a TV show like this one?

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