Rudo y Cursi (2008)
I thought this film had one fatal flaw.
19 March 2015
I know some folks really like this film and I remember a few critics who seemed to love it. However, I was really disappointed in this film and was surprised by this. It's also a shame because the movie had a lot to like in it as well.

The film is about two Mexican brothers, Rudo (Diego Luna) and Tato (Gael Garcia Bernal). They both are poor and live in the countryside. Tato has dreams of being a pop singer and Rudo has dreams of....well, he didn't seem to have any when the film began. Both of these brothers also love to play soccer and one day they are observed doing this by a talent scout. The scout takes Tato to Mexico City to try to get him a job playing for a professional team and later the same is done for Rudo. Eventually, both become stars and both totally screw up their lives and the movie ends.

So what is the fatal flaw? Both brothers are idiots AND not particularly likable. Rudo has a SERIOUS anger-control problem and is self-destructive with his gambling habits. Tato (soon nicknamed Cursi) is just a complete moron and is also a screw-up like Rudo. So why should I care about these two jerks?! Well, I didn't. And that makes the ending so incredibly anticlimactic and unnecessary.
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