Still Alice (2014)
Like a TV movie with good actors.
29 March 2015
Last year, the Oscars had Philomena as one of the outsider movies at the Oscars. This year, clearly the outsider was Still Alice. A movie about a woman who is hit by Alzheimer a lot earlier than people normally do.

And I only watched it because I was curious about what Julian Moore had done to win the Oscar this year. And when the movie started, the disappointment kicked in. Why? because, I realized that once again they had given the Oscar to an actor who was playing the role of an ill person.

Don't misunderstand me, I think that Julian Moore does a good job, but I don't think her interpretation is worth an Oscar. Now that said, I have already seen Oscars given for a lot less (Penelope Cruz - I jest, Gwyneth Paltrow - I'm still in shock). Still, what is it about playing an ill/crippled person that always gets you the favor at the Oscars? Pacino needed 7 nominations and only won the Oscar when he played a blind guy. Daniel Day Lewis with my left foot, Matthew MConaughey and Tom Hanks - AIDS, Stephen Hawking this year,… I don't get it!

Back to the movie, honestly, it's a little better than a TV movie. A very simple script and not much going on apart from seeing this lady deteriorating at a very fast pace. I doubt anyone will put this movie in their top 100 of all time. And the acting, Oscar or not, won't make it to a top 100 list either!
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