Review of Haven

Haven (2010–2015)
Used to be good but is now mediocre.
4 April 2015
Haven has always been the type of show that was pretty good but it never really reached its full potential. The first three seasons defined the show well but once the fourth started everything turned a little sour and it lost the spark it once had.

As a general concept Haven is new and fresh with a nice mystery thriller tone and a supernatural edge. It centres around a town that experiences "troubles" which may seem a little lame or strange but at least initially it worked. Each episode was different and focused on a new trouble. The overarching storyline was also intriguing but unfortunately since they changed the central characters I have lost interest.

Overall the show started good but has gone downhill. The new direction the show is taking just isn't working for me but I guess it's still alright. Haven will probably always be a good but mediocre show. Watchable but nothing special.
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