Guns don't kill people, Ator does
12 April 2015
I've never watched Mystery Science theatre so can't comment on that, however, I have watched Ator the Fighting Eagle and is was so much better than this. What were you thinking, Joe D'Amato?

This time, William Berger is some scientist who has invented something and David Brandon of Stagefright wants the secret, but Berger's daughter has done a runner with it so it's up to the world's best Brian May enthusiast to sort things out. Only this time he don't have a bear sidekick, or does anything cool, or anything, because this film is talk, talk, talk, and not much else. Where's the giant spiders, zombies, and Laura Gesmer of the first film Joe?

This time, Ator ruminates on things, uses science, and talks with folks as we look at how much time has passed and wonder when the film is going to get good. Luckily it does, but you don't get anything particularly outlandish here except for Miles in a handglider. But still, not so good.
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