Doctor Who: Dinosaurs on a Spaceship (2012)
Season 7, Episode 2
It's not ALL fun and games
12 April 2015
Warning: Spoilers
What appears, for much of its running time, to be one of the most cheerful and lighthearted episodes of "Doctor Who" - with the Doctor in such a good mood that he's willing to try a new experiment: four companions, plus a fifth uninvited one (Rory's father) - turns out to have a dark undercurrent as well, as the villain - who is a human intergalactic trader - is guilty of genocide, and the Doctor's ultimate punishment of him is just but uncharacteristically cold-blooded. The multiple companions idea works pretty well (Amy is at her best in this episode, looks-, dialogue- and character-wise), and the special effects, as in "Asylum Of The Daleks", look like they have been upgraded in comparison to those of the previous seasons (which were already pretty good, mind you). *** out of 4.
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