Review of 50 to 1

50 to 1 (2014)
Smokey and The Bandit meets Seabiscuit
26 April 2015
It's hard to not like a "true-story-ish" movie about an underdog going up against despicable snobs... so on that level, the movie is worth a watch, especially if you're running out of movies to watch.

Feel-good underdog movie with hokey screenplay and acting.

I certainly have seen far worse, but there were a few times during the movie that I was tempted to shut it off because it was over-the- top cornball. It's filled with scenes and side-stories that add no value whatsoever to the movie and feel like the filmmakers wanted to check-off every popular cliché in movie making.

Fight scene... check. Love & hate romantic tension scene... check. Funny animal action scene... check. Life and death drama scene... check. Down-and-out nobody believes in me scene... check

The movie jumps back and forth trying to be funny at times, and serious at others without having a connection between the emotions - - at least in believable way. I kinda of felt at times like I was watching a Smokey and the Bandit movie... then all of the sudden, it tries to go serious.

With all that said... I watched the entire movie, had a few chuckles and wiped a tear from my eye at the end.
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