Review of Walter

Walter (I) (2015)
Eggcellent Satire
17 May 2015
7.6 of 10. This is one of those films where it's best to know as little about as possible or even to be mislead by one of those horrible trailers. The sort of subtle satire and psychotic comedy that will make you laugh and maybe even cry, but not because you regret the amount of money you paid for the popcorn and carbonated GMO liquid.

It has a similar feel, partly because of the setting, as The Voices (2014), which is the better of the psycho comedies, but also the more brutal and horrific.

The setting of Indianapolis works perfectly to accentuate mundane, ordinary world surrounding them and the sometimes mocking, sometimes subtle comedy revolving around the mysteries: Are you watching another, urban version of Psycho or a comedy revolving a socially inept loser still living at home with his mom? Or could it be some combination of the 2? Exploring that and various other character/psychological flaws keeps the film rolling and makes you wish it had been a little longer to flesh out some of the characters and plot, maybe throw in a few more misleading elements of suspense or terror.

If nothing else, for those who hate theaters and Hollywood, it mocks them with unusual harshness for a film.
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