A Christian Perspective
22 May 2015
I love a good Sci-Fi. This has some twists. So far as plot goes, there are three main persons/positions. Kevin Anjanette (black detective); Bill Templar (white Defence Agency boss); Moon based Alien (aka She). It covers issues of division (black/white; human/alien) and harmony (black/white; human/alien), something like opposing magnets stabilised by the gyroscopic effect of spinning. I write from hindsight. Templar is an undercover alien, send by She to see what we're like. She is peaceful, but unbeknown to her, Templar has decided that we warrant annihilation – we offend his intelligence. How can he get his peaceful race to wipe us out? Easy. Though he can't openly get real proof about his alien people being hidden on the dark side of the moon, he'll set up false images, plant them in an unmanned lunar probe, then unearth the pictures, and get Earth to nuke the aliens. He knows such an attack would provoke a counter-attack, destroying humanity. He's a loose gun, and he has an alien or so on earth who are in league with him. Twice, the fact that he's concocted evidence is discovered by his staff and he seeks to silence them. The second informant survives to spill the beans, and Templar goes to Plan B, which includes leaking his hoax images to the public to force the Pentagon's hand, and sacrificing one of his alien colleagues. He must get earth to attack She, in order for She to destroy Earth. Anjanette is putting the pieces together, while the proud Templar is getting ever closer to success. It's suspenseful. We're made aware that aliens, on earth, need inhalers of nitrogen: our air gets up their noses. We keep seeing inhalers coming out, and every asthma sufferer becomes a suspect! Paranoia. Earth, at least the USA, launches a pre-emptive missile to destroy the aliens. Templar warns She of the launch – remember he hopes She will then make a pre-emptive or retaliatory strike, destroying humanity. Finally Anjanette defeats him, and begs the aliens for grace. He gets the missile attack aborted; She realises that Templar had betrayed her people, and She calls off their attack. Crisis over, Anjanette relaxes in boyish company, cracking beers and watching dirty wrestling. That's the humanity thing where guys crack each others' skulls with chairs, and audience ratings go up. Templar's widow is there, watching. She excuses herself, goes to the bathroom, and from a hidden compartment takes out an inhaler... This begs the question: if this is what the human race is like, did Templar not have the right idea? It's hard at times to see us from God's perspective, yet all humans are in his image (Gen.9:6). And when we look at the new covenant, we can see that that Image was a wonderful shadow of God's true, alēthinos, Image, which was his one-of-a-kind son, and that we, born in the shadow Image, enter into Christ's Image if we enter into Christ (the Imago Christi). No alien can boast a higher destiny that being in that Image. From scull-cracking kids to true children of God – that's what C S Lewis called the true invasion. And if we meet aliens, "even if they have shells or tusks" (C S Lewis), I suspect some will also be in the Imago Christi, our brothers & sisters. Them we should walk with, even as Christian whites could march with Dr Martin Luther King, even if humans call us traitors.
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