Unbelievably and outrageously over-hyped
31 May 2015
Good Lord. let me begin by first saying that I have never reviewed a movie (on IMDb) before. This film was simply so terrible that it demanded I enlighten all of you as to how tremendously bad it is. first of all; the characters are terrible. The two girls who make up the protagonists are god awful actress'. Sure, you can argue that little kids can't be expected to be good at acting yet. And this might be true, if it weren't for the fact that numerous movies have REALLY good child actors (e.i. Rue from the Hunger Games or Ender in Ender's Game). Even the kid in Iron Man 3 is a much better actor than these two. The ONLY plausible reason why these two are famous is because Ellen Degenerous(Spelling may be incorrect) says they are adorable. And as we all know; Ellen is the Oracle and everything she says is 100% fact and never opinion. It bothers me that two barely competent child actress' are getting tons of attention; whilst other young actors like the one who BRILLIANTLY brings the Joker to life in Fox TV's "Gotham" is flying under the radar. And it irks me greatly, that just because it's a kids movie, it gets a free pass for being awful. There are plenty of acceptable children's movies in the world-like Despicable Me, Madagascar or Inside Out. One of the main characters is a princess who sucks at being a princess; so she becomes the vigilante Artemis, who, I s*** you not, is a direct rip- off of DC Comic's Artemis; Green Arrow's sidekick and niece. And if you think they were just referring to the Greek goddess of hunting, you're sorely mistaken, since this version of Artemis wears the traditional and recognizable costume that is portrayed in the popular comics. This actress bothers me the most, as she is neither likable nor relate-able. The antagonist(s) in this movie are two other princesses who wish to be queen. I don't recall their names, since they were so generic and un-interesting. Both were snooty brats who did not seem to represent real people, more-so Barbie dolls being played with to be like Cinderella's stepsisters. The acting was bad, the script was bad, the story was boring, dull and conceited and the constant joke of Sophia and Rose accidentally making wishes with their magically duck (yeah, figure that one out) was hilariously and infuriatingly not funny. Avoid this movie at all costs.
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