Review of The Attorney

The Attorney (2013)
Two Reasons to See this - Song Kang-Ho and the Rousing Courtroom Drama
2 June 2015
The Attorney is about a self-studied lawyer who did not graduate from college. He makes a name for himself doing taxes but gradually his eyes start to open to the state of Korea's oppressive regime and he takes the fight to the National Security Act.

The movie never says it is based on a true story but the events depicted have a sense of reality about it. A simple wiki told me that it is based on Roh Moo-hyun, the former South Korean president who did passionately defend the accused in 1981 and then became a notable leading figure of democratization movement since that trial. After his presidency and following tragic suicide in 2009, his name and legacy have been virtually tarnished and butchered by the local right-wing politicians including the current South Korean president. The movie doesn't depict his Presidency days onwards but focus on his days of political awakening. I remembered reading the tragic suicide in the papersbut had no idea what the man was about.

The movie is not without its flaws. The transition from light comedy to full-on drama is hardly seamless (this is probably the case with most Korean films). The narrative in first act feels uneven and I wasn't sure what the focus was until it hits the second hour. Some characters also suffer from an illness of under-development. However there are two good reasons to see this. Number one is Song Kang-Ho. The actor is definitely the most dependable actor in Korean cinema. His portrayal of the shady lawyer smooths away all the rough spots and he gives the role a humility that will make your heart ache. The second reason is the superb rousing courtroom drama with lots of twist and turns.
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