Selling Dirty Harry
5 June 2015
Dirty Harry's War (1971)

*** (out of 4)

This seven minute promotional piece was originally shown to try and draw up interest in the film DIRTY HARRY. What we basically have is a narrator talking about this "tough" cop and how it's a throwback to some of the legendary cops in cinema and this is where we get clips from old Warner movies like G MEN and THE BIG SLEEP (although Bogart isn't a cop here). The film also shows off some clips from DIRTY HARRY as well as a few behind-the-scenes numbers. Fans of DIRTY HARRY will enjoy seeing how the movie was originally promoted, although it's too bad that it didn't feature any interviews with the cast and crew. The promo short really sells the film nicely and there's no question that had you seen this in 1971 that you'd want to go out and watch the film.
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