"Serves us right for getting' mixed up with a dame".
13 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
It's called "The Road to Singapore" but I don't know why; Hope and Crosby wind up on the island of Kaigoon in the Southeast Asia Pacific. I guess it sounds a lot better than "Road to Kaigoon".

Having seen a handful of later 'Road' pictures, I thought this film, the first in the series, would be a laugh riot but I was mistaken. Apparently the film makers as well as the principals hadn't fully fleshed out their strategy or their comic approach yet. You don't have the zany one-liners in abundance, and if the boys were winging it by going off script it's hard to tell. However the picture does introduce some of the staples to be found in future Road flicks - the patty-cake routine, Crosby's off-hand reference to his waistline, and the general persona of the boys as con men, though that's not quite as apparent here.

In fact, a few times it seemed like the picture was trying too hard for it's share of laughs with routines like Spotto the Miracle Worker and Scrammo the cockroach repellent. The first bit involved madcap comic Jerry Colonna utilizing his his google-eyed, handlebar mustached character as an unwilling accomplice to Ace Lannigan's (Hope) hapless spot-cleaning invention. I never saw a huckster go from a buck a bottle down to a nickel as rapidly as Hope did.

As for Dorothy Lamour, America's first and perhaps most prolific pin-up girl found a winning combination in this very first team up with the comedy duo who had already thrilled radio audiences with their slick banter and comedic put-downs. Wondering how she'd keep up with their dubious hi-jinks, she wound up following Crosby's advice to look for an opening and give it her best shot. It was good enough for six more Road shows.
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