Dance Hall (1950)
Wonder what it would be like if they remade it today?
10 July 2015
I suppose that you could call this a blast from the past.The time when women were supposed to be chaste not chased,and knew their place in the home.As a big band enthusiast I have to say that the most interesting aspect of the film is seeing Geraldo and Ted Heath in their prime.I did know Geraldo's widow and she had all of his 78 records safely stored away.This was really the swan song of that era.Within a few years the only big band leader left was Billy Cotton.He kept his musicians in full employment and died almost broke.I used to drive past Hammersmith Palais and when that closed an era ended.One of the aspects of life not specifically mentioned in the film was rationing on food and clothing.When Donald Houston opens all those tins he could have been eating a week's worth of rations.Also the parent's would have had to go into their clothing ration to buy the dress for Petula Clarke,so she would have been doubly upset.
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