"Holy smoke I've scalped her!"
11 July 2015
The third in RKO's series of four movies based on radio show The Great Gildersleeve. This one has Gildersleeve traveling to New York to help out his friend Peavy. In order to help Peavy out, he has to cozy up to widowed drug company president Billie Burke. He also attracts the attention of a gold digger. The situation gets even trickier when Gildersleeve's girlfriend shows up unexpectedly.

Harold Peary is fun as the blowhard Gildersleeve. Richard LeGrand is enjoyable as Peavy ("Well now, I wouldn't say that."). His appearance in drag needs to be seen to be believed. The great Billie Burke is always a treat to watch. Child actor Teddy Infuhr has a hilarious bit part as a kid named Stanley who causes trouble for Gildersleeve. Love that scene so much. Hobart Cavanaugh is good fun as Burke's butler with an archery fixation. Lovely Claire Carleton is great as the gold digger. Equally lovely Margaret Landry takes over as Marjorie after Nancy Gates had played her in the previous movies in the series. Walter Tetley plays a bellboy in a wonderful scene where he gives Gildersleeve advice on how to talk to women. In the radio show, Tetley did the voice of Leroy. He was replaced in the movies by Freddie Mercer. A very wacky entry in the series that gets funnier as it goes along. Fans will love it.
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