Black Work (2015)
Wonders off a bit towards the end but a terrific ITV drama headlined by our finest actress.
13 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Lets get this out the way first Sheridan Smith is on another level to nearly every other British actress and on TV no one beats her lately and must be close till Hollywood calls and its thanks to her that Black Work is another winner for her and ITV. Her acting,a strong supporting cast and truly heart wrenching emotion as well as gripping sequences keep this show from wobbling which it can do at times especially in the last episode but this is Miss Smith's show and even with the short hair she is just stunning beyond belief in both looks and performance and you will find yourself rooting for her against everyone even those you thought you trusted,that is hard to do in any film or TV series and proves how incredible a talent she is.

Police constable Jo Gillespie(Smith)is stunned to hear her undercover officer husband Ryan has been killed and is determined to find out the truth of what happened plus keep it together for her daughter Melly and stepson Hal(a star in the making Oliver Woolford)but as no one seems to be doing much in finding out what happened Jo starts her own investigation but the more she founds out about Ryan the more secrets are revealed and Jo finds that her husband may have lead a double life away from home. Along with close friend DC Jack Clark(Matthew McNulty)who Jo has been getting too close with she tries to find out exactly who is behind Ryan's death but Jo learns that even those she thought she knew may be not telling the whole truth about things.

As I said before Sheridan keeps this show from being worth a watch and turns it into a excellent three part series and helps when the cast is filled with so many well known faces and she seems to bring out the best in them,her emotion about Ryan's death will bring tears to your eye as well as quite beautiful scenes with her children and Woolford as Hal is a future star for me and the sequences with him,Jo and little Melly are very powerful and bring real weight of emotion. Smith is also excellent in the thriller parts chasing down suspects and taking on people she thought she trusted and not many characters I've seen have I rooted for as much as Jo as no one seems to want her in the investigation and you will her to get in there and take them all down Charles Bronson like,OK a bit far but you really will root for her.

The rest of the cast though support her well are a bit wasted and don't really get a lot to do but standouts are McNulty as Jack who seems a nice guy but is he hiding something,the cool as ever Phil Davies arrives briefly as the tough nut handler of undercover Ryan and of course young star Woolford who really impressed me with a portrayal much older than his years and if you were young Melly you would want a older brother like him and you feel for him and is split about his dads death and weather to like Jo anymore and support her. Other well known people all are great but as I said wasted but this is one of the strongest casts I've seen in years.

A top effort from ITV with tension filled moments and genuine shocks and twists and though it wobbles a bit towards the end and the last episode loses the plot a bit this is one of the best dramas on TV in 2015 so far and is headlined by the unbeatable force of nature that is Sheridan Smith who could put on a dustbin and win a Bafta for it plus a star in the making for talented teen Woolford.

Hope Smith remains on British television but come on Hollywood her time to shine is now.
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