Mother-Daughter Love
14 July 2015
Watch this to see what life is about in another part of the world and how it is no respecter of persons. You either rise to what it takes to live in this region of the world or you sink in it. For those that do give it a go and work it, they then want what everyone else wants out of life anywhere. To love and be loved. At some point in the movie, fasten your seat belt because your emotions are going to kidnap you without warning. I didn't see it coming and it had me so choked up I let go with a sob for the depth and poignant way of how love was sent and received and words were not the catalyst either. Life is a love driven event and this movie makes the point. When it ends, your life begins richer and deeper for having seen this movie...Have a tasty drink and a light snack plus...Kleenex on stand-by...
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