Holliston (2012–2013)
'Holliston' is the best horror/comedy show ever!
22 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I'm very thankful that Adam Green (Hatchet/Frozen) and Joe Lynch (Wrong Turn 2: Dead End) got to make their TV series, 'Holliston' the way they wanted to make it. A few years ago, a certain network bought the show, but wanted to make it very family friendly, taking all of the good ideas away. Thus, it was put on hold for the foreseeable future. This gave some time for both Green and Lynch to break out in to the horror film genre, where they succeeded.

Then, the good folks over at FEARnet heard about the series, and finally let Green and Lynch have full control of their show and they set out to make the first season of 'Holliston', the way they wanted to. It was so successful, the network has ordered a second season, which they are currently filming right now.

'Holliston' is written, directed, and stars Adam Green, as a lesser successful version of himself, as well does his best bud in real life and on the show, Joe Lynch. The pair live in an apartment that would make any horror movie fan giddy. Their apartment is chock full of horror movie memorbillia, toys, and posters. It seems like that's only what they spend their little money on, because the never pay rent or their bills.

They earn their money by making cheap late night television commercials at a local network station, where their boss, Lance Rockett (Dee Snider from Twisted Sister) gives them advice amongst other things as every time he speaks, it's always as if he's live on stage in front of 1000's of people. Green and Lynch are joined by Laura (Laura Ortiz), who is Lynch's girlfriend, who is a ditzy artist who has a fond passion of painting gruesome canvasses. Then there is Green's ex-girlfriend Corri (Corri English), who no matter how many times she tells Green they are not getting back together, Green insists that they are, and tries at every turn to win her back. And lastly, we have Green's imaginary friend who lives in his closet, the demon we all have come to love, Oderus Urungus, the frontman from the band, GWAR, who plays himself, complete with all of the prosthetics and thong.

The overall plot of the show follows Green and Lynch trying to make a horror film called 'Shinpads', a film about a zombie soccer team. However, their stomachs were bigger than their eyes and cannot raise enough money to make the film. However, they decide to fully produce a trailer for the film to pitch to investors.

'Holliston' is a mix between 'Seinfeld', 'Friends', and 'Evil Dead 2'. There are tons of head explosions, blood, vomit, and other bodily secretions throughout the entire first season. One episode involved Green and Lynch lying in the same bathtub, because they got sprayed by a skunk. That bathtub soon becomes filled with their own vomit and blood, while their girlfriends are out buying douches. It doesn't get any better than that, does it? There are tons of cameos too. Some include Tony Todd, Bill Moseley, Kane Hodder, and Seth Green.

'Holliston' is a very fun and bizarre show. There is nothing else like it on television. If you are a fan of horror, gore, and comedic sitcoms, then 'Holliston' is the perfect recipe that will leave you wanting more.
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