Daft but entertaining serial killer flick
28 July 2015
This serial killer flick was directed by, written and stars Ross Hagan, a veteran actor of the American b-movie and z-movie. It's about a photographer who likes to shoot sexy swimsuit models in pictures with violent themes. He gathers a crew in a remote desert retreat but soon a killer nurse pitches up and begins murdering everyone one by one.

The title of this one suggests it will be an erotic thriller, which after all was a very popular sub-genre of film in the early 90's. And in fairness, it sort of is but not maybe as much as it should be. It benefits from featuring the very attractive Dona Speir, star of various Andy Sidaris sexploitation efforts. But unfortunately, she disappears after a couple of prominent early scenes. This seemed quite careless as she is always pretty good value in these types of b-movies. Anyway, the action relocates to a ranch and we then have a succession of photo-shoots, melodramas and comic scenes. Eventually the killer turns up and embarks on a murder spree, although for some reason no one ever seems to notice people are being bumped off. Anyway, events eventually spiral into delirious proportions as the killer nurse chases victims around the ranch while creating explosions everywhere in a pyrotechnic finale.

This film hasn't got too good of a reputation clearly. But I sort of thought it was much more entertaining than I expected given its low rating. Sure, it's clunky, silly and utterly predictable - was the killer's identity really meant to be a surprise?! – yet, it has enough pretty girls, slasher violence and general absurdity to ensure its always good fun.
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