Looks great
4 August 2015
A so-so storyline (not based on one of the Herge comic books) is the only thing that spoils this otherwise enthralling live-action adaptation of the TINTIN comics. It's probably the best-realised live-action version of any comic book I've seen, with characters who truly look the part and scenery and backdrops which could have come straight from Herge's pen.

The meandering storyline involves Tintin, Snowy, and Captain Haddock finding themselves in possession of a rusting and seemingly worthless old hulk. When a gang of criminals begin hunting them down, they soon realise the battered old ship has more to it than meets the eye, and to solve the mystery they embark on a globe-trotting adventure. The comedic parts of the narrative are the best bits while the rest of it can be a little stagey at times.

TINTIN AND THE GOLDEN FLEECE is delightfully old-fashioned in its approach and definitely tongue in cheek to boot. Jean-Pierre Talbot is pitch perfect as the titular character and Georges Loriot simply sublime as Professor Calculus. Georges Wilson is less assured as Captain Haddock - he looks and feels more like Popeye's Bluto - but at least he gives it his all. A bumbling cameo from the Thompson Twins is much welcome, but the real delight here is the dog playing Snowy. A more perfectly-trained and characterful creature you couldn't find, and the bit with him and the dynamite is the highlight of the entire movie.
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