Boy Meets Boy (2015)
The small film that feels like a BIG one
8 August 2015
This little gem of a film explores the anxieties of online dating, and what happens when Boy Meets Boy...

From the very first image that appears on the screen, you the viewer are aware that you are dealing with professionals. This isn't some rag-tag group of wannabes creating a short film for a school project. These are serious craftsmen. Maybe you don't think like that. Maybe I think like that because I'm a filmmaker. Maybe you will just be drawn in. I mean it does what these films are supposed to do, from the very instant the moving images cross our eyes, from the moment the sound design hits our ear takes us away. Where we are going we still are not sure, but we get the time to focus on nothing but these characters, for the 10 minutes or so it takes to tell this story.

The actors Johnathan MacPherson, Charles Zuckerman, and Mike Azevedo (who also co-created the story) are all obviously well skilled in their craft. They each hold the screen and your attention without fail. But it's the screenplay, written by Simona Atias which really blew my mind. While admittedly there is a obvious lack of dialog, what few words are said are central to the story. And the story, written by Azevedo and Atias, frankly deserves a feature length film type expansion.

While the film stands on it's own as a creative, outstanding short. Trimmed down in half it could easily be the intro to it's own film. These are not characters you want to leave so soon. The party seems to just be getting started, and as the title credit hits and the catchy music plays after the final really does feel like the beginning of the movie! Whether this short film ever does see an expansion or not, it stands fine on it's own. From the cinematography by Rob Crone to the modern editing style of Zachary Holden, From the cold production design of Moe Curtin to the brilliant score by Joe Docherty, these guys aren't messing around. Find a way to watch this film.
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