The Life Zone (2011)
A pro-life movie that should have been aborted
13 August 2015
If you're going to make a movie that tries to persuade people to your beliefs, make sure you have confidence in what you're arguing. The movie is about three women who wake up in a dark, green- filtered, grungy hospital; they were planning on having an abortion, but they were captured and now they're being forced to give birth. It tries to visually emulate the Saw franchise, but instead of the characters being tortured, the audience is tortured with bad acting, annoying characters, boring dialogue and pitiful attempts at horror.

There is one woman who is adamant about having an abortion. She's basically a straw-man who only spouts easily refuted arguments. This is where the movie shows its lack of confidence. If they truly felt like they were in the right, they wouldn't resort to making this character the way they did (i.e. immature, rude, prissy, entitled, stuck up). Instead, they would have created a real challenge for their position and countered it with clever arguments and thought experiments.

I've seen thoughtful, insightful arguments for both positions, and none of them are in this film. This film won't convince anyone nor would it give people who are pro-life any better ammunition for their position.

Aside from the debate, it also fails when it attempts horror movie tropes. It tries to use scary film techniques and settings, but doesn't know how to implement them, or just doesn't know how they work. I've seen high school students with better skills than this.

I could go on about how most of the movie is just watching people debate, how nobody acts realistically, or the bizarre and confusing plot twist about one of the characters, but all I need to say is that this is a padded, boring movie that is more interested in making fun of someone rather than truly engaging in a discussion.
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