Revolution (II) (2012)
Poor Film! Doesn't Address Real Cause of Devastations
15 August 2015
I saw this film in the theatre and I have to say that I wasted my money. I watch a lot of documentary films and have an open mind about everything. Though there were a few good points in the film, they missed the whole point. Conservation is not the answer, though conservation is good, it is the not solution. What people don't understand is that most problems that we are faced with on the planet is because of the violence we cause to ourselves, non-human animals and nature. All of the problems starts with the animal foods we shove down our throats and doesn't matter how the animals are raised or treated, using and killing another being sows the same in humans. People don't want to believe that eating and using animals is the crux of it all. We want to continue abusing, torturing and killing animals and believe the problems has nothing to do with animal foods. Just picture this. If humans are consuming animals, their dead bodies and secretions, the fear, anger, trauma, depression, boredom and sickness and all the animals other experiences and emotions, don't just fly away somewhere in thin air, they are transferred to us. And because we eat all their emotions and experiences, we experience the same in our lives and the world around us. Why is it that the majority of humans, that eat animal foods, experiences the same fear, violence, trauma, depression and sickness etc. just like the animals? When will we ever learn that veganism will indeed save ourselves and the world. Not to mention all the animal lives that are spared when we become vegan. I talked about this to Rob Stewart and again like everyone else he gave a stupid justification for continuing the violence on helpless beings. Come on people, wake up!
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