Review of Car Share

Car Share (2015–2020)
Feel good, refreshing comedy
21 August 2015
A feel good, refreshing comedy.

I have been a huge fan of Peter Kay since his 'Top of The Tower' stand up days, Phoenix Nights is comedy gold in my eyes and Max and Paddy was a solid spin off to that. Car Share is his latest 6 piece comedy show and it is vintage Peter Kay!

Peter Kay plays a manager at a Supermarket; his company have introduced a car share scheme and Peter matches up with a woman from the promotions team.

The episodes are 30 minutes each and are evenly split, the first 15 minutes are the trip to work and final 15 minutes are the return home. Pretty much the entire show is shot in the car and simply follows them on their work commute and their every day; general conversations with each episode will have a vague backdrop story, a general topic of conversation. The episodes link on loosely and give the impression that the episodes are spread out over weeks at a time as many personal situations change and their relationship develops.

The on screen chemistry of Peter Kay and Sian Foulkes is completely perfect, they bounce of each other in such a way that you would see them as a married couple. They are hilarious together, their style and approach are almost identical and they complement each other faultlessly.

Through all the laughs and silliness of the show, it does manager to reach out to the viewer, offering some emotional, touching moments. Even with a mere 6 episodes, the characters are developed and the chemistry of the two actors is developed very well.

My negatives would be that I didn't like the musical animated scenes in the middle of the episodes. I didn't really get them at all. It was also disappointing to see that there were only 6 episodes, with the series ending in a way that I don't see a second series being made.

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