The Squad (2015)
What ever happened to Benjamin Rocher
22 August 2015
I can't believe it. How can anyone may find this crime action flick worth? How? What a deception for me. After I watched the trailer, I expected the worst, I expected a pure comedy like LETHAL WEAPON, but it is not. You have here some comedy lines but that's all. The main problem is else where. Everything here is predictable, dull, a total mess. Benjamin Rocher gave us several years ago a short film called RIVOUALEN which was a true masterpiece, and after he made LA HORDE, a very exciting horror film too. And I don't understand why he made this juicy straight to garbage can crap. When I go to see a crime flick speaking of Sweeney and bank robbers, I expect a brutal, bloody, crepuscular, dark, bleak feature, as JP Melville did 40 years ago, or Olivier Marchal gives us since 15 years now. I don't expect such a crap. What's happened to Benjamin Rocher? The scene where Jean Reno is hit by a car, thrown in the air and then gets away with only a scratch on his forehead, I realize how deep in s... this movie dove. Run away from it !!!
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