"The desolation of..."
25 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
...Smaug? No, there's only desolation here. Mithica is like a Tolkien movie, watered down a few times. Terrible makeup and bad special-effects. It starts like this: A wizard walks through a desert version of Stonehenge, sees an open portal between the stones but keeps walking fast around them until he decides to go through. Only to find a dragon-cave with a cgi failure of a dragon behind it. So what to do? Get out a stone, shout at the dragon and wait to get eaten. Makes sense...

After that we see a woman grieving over a dead woman. Then countless short scenes showing different things that make no sense. Then back to the woman. Another short scene in a dive with drunken people. Then a woman walks in the dark.

If I'd have to take a wild guess, I'd say that some of them are supposed to be memories. But you can't really tell, because the scenes aren't well placed. They are just thrown into the movie. It's as if someone took the script (which must have existed at some point), put it into the shredder and then started making this junk, which barely counts as a story.

It pretty much goes on like that. Good, you get to see Kevin Sorbo. But that's about all the movie has to offer and it's a total waste of time. I don't know if it was a low budged production, but it sure is a low quality one.
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