Doctor Who: Day of the Moon (2011)
Season 6, Episode 2
The melting pot gets bigger and bigger
2 September 2015
Amy, River and the Doctor are rounded up and imprisoned by Canton. Which allows them to rescue River and crack on with the problem at hand, The Silence. Canton and Amy head to the Orphanage where she was, but the Silence have been there first. Whilst the Doctor, River and Rory head to the imminent space mission of Neil Armstrong, on its eve of launch, to do something rather clever.

It is absolutely all over the place as a story, for someone that didn't know the show they would not enjoy it, it jumps from one character to another, not one for the new fan. My main grim with Moffat's writing is that it does tend to be a little smug, and I get that here, the script keeps applauding itself. And why the hell is Frances Barber wearing an eye patch looking through a door!! This episode asks way more questions, and doesn't really answer any, it is very heavily embedded in a big story arc.

For all the criticisms though I really do like it, it's clever in a way that keeps you engrossed, if you take your eye off for a minute you've had it. It's wonderfully creepy and the scares are big, those monsters are scary, and that Orphanage is bleak. The fight scenes look big and work really well. Love River Song, and hope she's back soon.

Now I always used to love to watch Dr Who on a Saturday Night after a night out, no chance with this one, the Script and alcohol, don't mix :-)
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