Review of All the Way

All the Way (2003)
2 September 2015
The Night we called it a Day is the kind of movie that crops up every now and again to embarrass the Australian film industry. In between making superb movies like Animal Kingdom and Snowtown, crap like this comes along.

Masquerading as a comedy (game is up pretty quickly, as it's not funny), this is really just a platform for celebrity bashing, especially American celebrity-bashing. The typical, shameful tall poppy nonsense that occurs in Australia, mainly thanks to its lower- than-gutter media. Add in a pro-union stance, and the movie is basically just propaganda.

Incredibly one-dimensional: the Australians are all lovable larrikins, the Americans (incl Sinatra) are all heartless high-and- mighty boofheads. Wonder how this movie went down in the US, or among Frank Sinatra fans (and I'm not one, by the way)?

Dialogue is shockingly bad - almost every line is cringeworthy. Acting is equally pathetic. Joel Edgerton is lucky his career survived this. Dennis Hopper and Melanie Griffith must have REALLY needed the money.

The only positive thing about the movie is the performance of Rose Byrne. She rose above the woeful plot and direction and delivered the only convincing performance of the movie.
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