Rosewood Lane (2011)
No, It's JUST as awful as these reviews would have you believe
9 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
As one reviewer mentioned you can't really write anything about this movie that would be a spoiler. There is NOTHING in this movie that you don't see coming from a mile away. Well except for that by the end it never actually forms a cohesive story or gets any better. SPOILER!

The opening scene was a foreshadowing of the movie's extremely flawed logic and believability. Our protagonist Rose arrives at her fathers house where the police are investigating the circumstances of his death. He's just been found dead at the bottom of the stairs to the basement. The detective not only lets her into the house but also asks the police to give her a moment alone with her father's corpse on the basement floor (you know standard police procedure). It's been laying there for some time and has begun to decompose and she places her hand on his forehead while sobbing uncontrollably. This is MEANT to be an emotional scene, a daughter grieving for the loss of her father, and not WTF creepy. Seriously!

From there is just does a logarithmic downward slide into dumb. The entire movie is a series of stale and tired horror clichés. Anything that could be "thrilling" is broadcast from miles away so NOTHING is surprising when it happens. The nursery rhyme thing is embarrassingly cliché and makes the killer's even dumber and less convincing. While the movie gives you some history about the protagonist explaining why she should exist in the context of the story it never develops the paperman's character. Is he just a psychopath? is he some sort of supernatural evil being? Why hasn't anyone complained to the newspaper that their deliveryman is a monster who scares the hell out of them? He breaks into a women's house, assaults a District Attorney, and the police do nothing, why? Speaking of which what the hell happened to the DA at the end of the movie? His disappearance and a threatening call to the main character's show (a nursery rhyme...ughh) was the setup for the final conflict but then they just completely forget about his character and never explain what happened to him. The movie ends at the paperman's funeral but WHO THE F%#K ARE THESE PEOPLE AT HIS FUNERAL!?!?! Who the hell would have even paid for it?!?! Nothing anyone does in the final scenes of the movie make ANY logical sense. The climax is laughably stupid. It's one of the worst and least satisfying endings I've ever seen.

If you still feel compelled to watch because you want to know what is this disastrous ending we reviewers are talking about then here's what you do: Watch the first 15 minutes then fast forward to about the 1hr 1min mark. Enjoy! All you need to know is that at some point in the movie the DA tells Rose a story about his childhood in which some bullies buried him in a hole with just a snorkel for air (yeah I know that means he couldn't have been buried much more then 1.5 feet and should have easily been able to escape but whatever..) and he wasn't found for a long time. Also that's not her dog (where did it come from? doesn't matter!). There is no point at all to watching anything in between. You're welcome!
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