It is a sermon in ethics
12 September 2015
A helpful picture. Not alone is it good dramatically, but it teaches the dissatisfied that wealth does not bring all that may be wanted. Often the dissatisfied working man has what the man of wealth would give all he has to possess. The difficulty is to make the dissatisfied iconoclast understand this. If the poor man could be made to understand the griefs and heartaches and sorrows which often surround the wealthy the way this man found it, anarchism and the worst forms of socialism would cease. A picture which does so much to clear up a misunderstanding has a reason for existence far beyond the mere matter of amusement. The man entered the house to murder. He left it with a chastened spirit and a clearer comprehension of the heartaches that trouble the rich. And he went back to his home and his work, convinced that his lot was not bad and that he might make it better if he would. It is a sermon in ethics and it deserves wide circulation so its teaching may reach to the confines of the country. - The Moving Picture World, October 15, 1910
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