cute and fun but not actually funny
19 September 2015
Capt. William Kidd (Charles Laughton) and his rancorous crew have descended on the port city where Oliver "Puddin' Head" Johnson (Lou Costello) and Rocky Stonebridge (Bud Abbott) work as tavern waiters. Lady Jane asks the two idiots to deliver a love note to the Bruce Martingale. Capt. Kidd takes Capt. Anne Bonney (Hillary Brooke) to find his treasure on Skull Island. Puddin' Head mistakenly switches the treasure map with the love letter. Capt. Kidd shanghais the two idiots for the map but the bumbling continues.

This is a pretty broad old comedy. It's not a classic by any means but it has its cute moments. The duo is fun although not terribly funny. Laughton is great as Kidd. I don't think I laughed but I smiled at a lot of it.
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