Charming Tale About A Boy And His Dog
22 September 2015
Loved it! A wonderful, folksy film set in the deep south in the 1950s. It's about a boy who lives with his uncle in a little cabin down by the swamp who begins hearing a strange noise at night and upon investigation, finds it is a rather unusual and amazing little dog, the likes of which nobody in those parts has ever seen. A little dog that laughs instead of barking, that preens like a cat, that can run faster and catch a scent better than any coon dog. It is a Basenji. Skeeter, the boy, adopts the dog, loves it, and trains it, and they become quite attached to each other. Uncle Jessie, played by Walter Brennan, shares in the wonder at this unusual little dog along with dispensing wisdom and lessons about growing up. It is a very touching coming of age story. You'll fall in love with Lady, the little dog. Among the other talented cast members are Phil Harris, Sidney Poitier, and William Hopper. This was directed by the talented William Wellman and was a production of John Wayne's company, Batjac. The music was composed and played by the great guitarist, Laurindo Almeida. The Basenji, named My Lady of the Congo, spent all her time between filming scenes with Brandon De Wilde, who played Skeeter and they became quite attached to each other. Upon completion of the film, Lady became the property of Brandon so in fact they did stay together. We've seen this a couple of times and will enjoy it again. Highly recommended!
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