Man Up (I) (2015)
Lake Bell' steals the show in Ben Palmer's fast and funny Romantic Comedy!!!
26 September 2015
Some very strange things happen in Man Up, Ben Palmer's surprisingly likable romantic comedy, starring Simon Pegg and Lake Bell. the real star here is the American actress (and sometime director) Lake Bell – an established pro at accents and who steals the show with her rubbery, expressive face and penchant for self-humiliation. Ignore the sieve-like plot, though, because the script is largely excellent, Pegg and Bell sizzle on screen together trading flirty one-liners and bitchy ripostes like well-timed highfives. With its action condensed into a single afternoon and evening, Man Up expertly conveys the feel of one of those great first dates that just kept going, it's got an endearing and awkward Britishness that makes its characters relatable and in the shape of its gifted leads an on screen couple you'll genuinely root for. Man Up has enough breezy pleasures to make it worthy of recommendation

My VoTe--7/10
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