Review of Re-Kill

Re-Kill (2015)
There isn't much Scott Adkins, but there is a TON of bullets, blood, gore and zombies!
18 October 2015
"Re-Kill" is an action-horror found-footage film that takes place 5 years after "the outbreak", aka the zombie apocalypse. I am a big fan of martial artist Scott Adkins, and had read about this back in 2010 when it was being filmed (or about to go into production). 5 years later, it's finally available. Is it worth the wait and price of admission?? Well, that depends on why you are watching…

"Re-Kill" plays like an R-rated version of the TV show "COPS", following an elite squad of QUASI SWAT soldiers in a contaminated zone, fighting off seemingly endless hoards of zombies aka "ReAns" (short for Reanimated). The opening of the film is exciting, FULL of blood, bullets and gore. Since it plays like a TV episode, every 15 or so minutes commercials come on, a la "Starship Troopers" (still one of the best science fiction-horror-action films to date in my opinion), which are amusing and later in the film break up the bleak tone. It also peppers in personal interviews of our squads members throughout the movie, helping you (somewhat) get to know the guys who are doing all the shooting- and there is a LOT of shooting.

The film, shot in Bulgaria, has a generic but suitable look, fitting for a zombie apocalypse. After the first act (which has outdoor battles during the day), the film stays almost entirely gray, taking place in either the dark of night, in old run down buildings, underground corridors etc. Another issue is that everyone in the squad is wearing the same black SWAT uniform and helmet, so it's very hard to tell who is who, especially during the action sequences. There is a LOT of action in "Re-Kill", some of which is rather cool (especially in the big opening battle) but much of it is lost due to the shaky cam that plagues so many found-footage films. That being said, when it's not a "shaky cam" moment the movie looks good. There is a ton of action throughout the film- there is no shortage of bullets, blood or zombies (which are runners like in "28 Days Later", one of my favorite modern zombie films). I would love to know how many rounds of ammunition were used in the making of the film, it's probably in the tens of thousands.

The acting is adequate, but there isn't much for them to do besides fire their guns at the endless onslaught of zombies. Veteran B-movie actor Bruce Payne ("Passenger 57", "Highlander Endgame") is almost wasted (because there really isn't much for him to do) although he gives arguably the most memorable performance in the film as the religious zealot of the squad. Martial arts master Scott Adkins ("Undisputed" 2&3, "Ninja" 1&2) is the alpha male in the squad, and is totally wasted in the sense that he doesn't display a single punch, kick or flip- he just mows down hoards of charging zombies with his machine gun. I think its important to note that both of the aforementioned actors are supporting cast. The lead of the picture is the Sarge, chameleon actor Roger R. Cross (who has over 100 credits on IMDb), as the somber squad leader.

Recommended to fans of the genre, "Re-Kill" is a fast paced action-horror found-footage film, that focuses on action over scares. There is no shortage of carnage from start to finish. If you play video games, specifically first-person shooters, or enjoy the occasional found footage film (and not seeking an impressive martial arts display from Adkins or an intense monologue from Payne) give this movie a shot. It's a shame that this didn't release back in 2011 before the market was flooded with so many crappy low budget zombie movies. It's easily one of the better direct to video zombie movies to come out since the success of "The Walking Dead". It's a fun action packed, bullet and blood soaked, zombie filled 87 minutes and is a fairly fresh take on the zombie apocalypse.

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