Review of Equinox

Equinox (1992)
Starts interestingly enough, but falls apart by the second act
19 October 2015
Equinox is a movie that begins with an interesting enough idea, but loses it in the second part of the movie and just becomes a boring drudge. Modine, Marisa Tomei, Kevin O'Connor, M. Emmet Walsh and Fred Ward are all top par actors who are up to the challenge. Lara Flynn Boyle, on the other hand, is seriously underwhelming and gives the movie nothing.

The movie follows twins who don't know of each other's existence. One is good, the other bad. The good twin is much more arrestingly played by Matthew Modine than the bad one; the script also gives the bad one little of interest to do anyway. I couldn't work out what Lara Flynn Boyle was doing in the movie and the character of the writer also eluded me. The movie didn't make me care enough to find out.
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