Halloween (1978)
Boogeyman's Gonna Get You!!!!
4 November 2015
So much has been said about John Carpenter's 'Halloween' that adding anything to it will be like adding a few drops of water to the ocean. People have their own opinions when they review 'Halloween', but I am going to share my own experiences that I had with 'Halloween'.

As the opening credits begin, we are introduced to a sinister looking pumpkin (Jack-O-Lantern) that looks spooky yet funny and harmless with its eyes, nose and jagged mouth lit by the candle inside. Looking at it for a few seconds, the viewers then begin reading the cast and crew names....Donald Pleasance in John Carpenter's 'Halloween', Jamie Lee Curtis as Laurie.....P.J. Soles as Lynda...Nancy Kyes as Annie Brackett....then Featuring: Kyle Richards, Brian Andrews...and by the time you reach 'Irwin Yablans' and 'Debra Hill' part.....You are just shocked to see that the 'sinister looking pumpkin' you almost forgot is now so close to you that you have no chance to escape its evil eye! That's what Michael Myers is for me! That's the beauty of Halloween.....The evil sneaks close to you and the worst thing is YOU ARE NOT PREPARED TO FACE IT!!!!

Michael Myers is faceless, but being faceless makes him more menacing and scary. The 'fear of unknown' is more bone-chilling than the 'fear of known'. Michael Myers is unpredictable. We know he is evil.....and he only wants to do evil for sure......but how would he do it? We never know this. He uses his silence as a cloak to hide his deadly yet unknown agendas.

Moving ahead in our lives, we always think it will be like that forever. Same old routine, going to college, working part time, chit-chatting with friends, teasing and gossiping. Life seems so easy, safe and enjoyable....Isn't it? But then a violent faceless 'shape' (Guess who 'The Shape' is!), whom we never thought of, shows up suddenly out of nowhere. His path of life, his point of view, his aim and his everything is entirely different from the common definitions and stuffs of life! You never noticed him (just like the sinister looking pumpkin) and remained busy in your daily chores, and eventually when he came very close....you realize that it's too late to escape death!

Halloween needs to be preserved for eternity. It's an amazing combination of horror, mystery, nostalgia and music and fortunately each of its aspects work so well that together they give us this towering masterpiece. John Carpenter taught me to believe in boogeyman. He taught me that they do exist. He taught me to keep an eye on the dangers that may be hiding in vicinity and finally he taught me to keep the lights on while watching 'Halloween'.

I really thank John Carpenter for making it way better than it was expected to be and for making something that has been scaring us for the last 37 years and I bet it will continue to do so till 'Horror' genre is alive.
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