Countdown to the Next Film.
6 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
The Trailer Park Boys: Countdown to Liquor Day (2009): Dir: Mike Clattenburg / Cast: Robb Wells, John Paul Tremblay, Mike Smith, John Dunsworth, Pat Roach: Very funny followup to the 2006 Canadian hit. It opens with Ricky, Julian and Bubbles being released from prison but their hopes of going straight are sabotaged when their homes are threatened. Starts out well but structure halts during sentimental scenes but director Mike Clattenburg still delivers on the dope humour and crazy antics. Robb Wells plays Ricky who reacts without thinking, which leads to hot headed decisions and the most hilarious robbery ever caught on camera. John Paul Tremblay plays Julian who wishes to start an auto shop. He is the object of desire of the trailer park owner who wishes to demolish their homes. Mike Smith plays Bubbles who wishes to save his cats. This leads to hinted romance, which Bubbles doesn't pick up on. John Dunsworth is a steal in his drunken state. He narrates the film stating his scheme and how everything came apart when the boys left prison. He is involved in a most bizarre car chase scene where he and Ricky aim their penises out their car windows for a high speed clash that has to be seen to be believed. Finally, Pat Roach again plays shirtless slob Randy who hangs out with Dunsworth sharing the insults. The result is pointless and chaotic fun. Score: 6 / 10
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