The Leisure Class (2015 TV Movie)
This is not a Documentary...
9 November 2015
...It's a Reality TV Programme.

Jason Mann was cast as the Bad Guy / Scaepgoat and sometimes so was Effie. The real villains were Marc Joubert and perhaps Ben and Matt - who all did everything to appear nice, level headed rather than honest. Effie suffered for being to honest and blunt. We all have agendas and she was too willing to show all her cards which worked against her a lot.

The reason why this film has been rated so low is because people are mixing their personal opinion of Jason and the Film. These are two separate things. Jason is no different to any other director - yes he had a vision and he was very single minded about it and most good directors are. Sometimes that works out and other times it does not. His only problem is that of course he was entitled but you're only as entitled as what others allow you to be and Matt, Ben and HBO all colluded in that self delusion.

Nonetheless lets talk about the film. It isn't very funny, that's true. In fact it's quite boring and laborious to watch. It's not a stinker though and isn't as bad as people have painted it. I've seen far, far worse first time films and the directors have gone on to make other more competent films.

Basically the biggest problem is that it feels as though they shot a first draft of a screenplay rather than something more advanced. The weakest part of the film are the two leads, especially Ed Weeks (Charles) who is so limited as an actor that I was baffled he was picked as a lead. In the original Short an actor called David Manson played the lead - more successfully I feel. Ed Weeks failed to bring any life to the character and failed to have more than 2 expressions throughout the movie. Everything seemed non-consequential to him. Because he couldn't act at being in love properly and his performance wasn't believable then he had to say it through clumsy dialogue...lazy acting.

Bridget Regan who plays Fiona made the best of poor dialogue and character development . Props to Bruce Davison who it felt like he was carrying the whole thing. He has been criticised for over-acting but at least he brought some kind of absurdity to the piece. I think he deserves credit - also for a poorly written character.

The film does look like a film - it looks expensive. So that's a plus and I think underneath there - perhaps a few drafts later was a good film. Right now it's forgettable. I think Jason is capable and I am sure he'll be given lots of opportunities to make right in the future. With more time and working with realistic limitations he might come up with something decent.

One last point: Going back to the series - I hope this is a lesson learnt that White dudes picking other white dudes to make film does not a good film make - let's try looking elsewhere next time - let's see what surprises we discover as surely they have nothing to lose now.
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