Warner Bros. paints the inevitable downfall . . .
18 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
. . . of the American One Per Cent Fat Cats (or "Black Skimmers," here) with this predictive warning to them, A LION IS IN THE STREETS. One hundred years ago, the Russian Tsars thought nothing of putting the lifetime working value of 10,000 serfs into one Faberge Egg Doodad. They and their wealthy Henchpeople got gunned down in cellars. About a century earlier, French Queen Marie Antoinette would squander the lifetime slave wages of 10,000 peasants for one grand cake. (They removed her head--as well as those of all her party guests--giving rise to the truism, "You can't have your cake, and eat it too.") James Cagney is the "Lion" in America's streets, as Warner argues that what happened in France and Russia MUST and WILL take place here, as well. Since it has not happened yet, this story uses Cagney's disloyal spouse to quash his March of the 99 Per Centers on the Capital of the Rich People. But just as Katniss Everdeen takes The People of Panem to President Snow's threshold, Today's record U.S. income disparity between the "Black Skimmer" One Per Center Thieves and the rest of us means that our Fat Cat's Day of Reckoning is Right around the Corner. They will not be able to complain that no one warned them, since Warner Bros. tried to do just that many times, and never more so than with A LION IS IN THE STREETS.
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